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Golden ChIC evenTS
‘As long as you feel great and
know you are representing
yourself in your clothing, that
will shine through andmake you
glow throughout the entire day.’
You’ve popped the ques on (or it’s
been popped to you!) and you’ve set
the date and reserved the venue.
Perhaps you’ve even managed to
secure your post-wedding honeymoon
or picked out a theme for your nup als.
But eventually, you’ll look inward and
realise you must find something to
wear to this incredibly important event.
Thanks to the current trend of
‘anything goes’, as long as it fits your
style and personality, there is a plethora
of options out there for wedding day
dress. Whether you plan to wear a
gown, a tuxedo, or something in
between, you will need to wade through
all of the possibilities and online ideas to
find something that matches who you
are, and what best represents you
stylistically. The photographs of this day
will grace your home – and your
memory – for the rest of your life. Talk
about pressure!
It’s not unusual at all to have the
process of selecting an outfit feel
daunting and overwhelming. And until
you walk into a boutique and actually
start trying on the goods, it’s hard to
know what looks best on your body as
So here are some general tips and
direction to get you started, but as