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Space for a Child
campaign is
part of Leicestershire County
Council’s bid to find 50 adopters to
provide loving and secure homes for
vulnerable children.
Adoption is a lifelong commitment and is about
providing a child in care who cannot return home with a
permanent and secure family. It will be up to you to take
on all the responsibilities for the child that the birth
parents had.
Thomas and his partner John, who live in
Leicestershire and adopted their three-year-old daughter
last year, are urging would-be adopters not to be put off
by myths about who can and can’t adopt.
Thomas said: ‘Adoption has transformed our lives in
every way. It’s great to have a family and it’s been
wonderful to see our daughter develop. Her language
and communication skills are now excellent and she’s
happy and smiles all the time.’
Good adopters can be all sorts of people from all
walks of life, as long as they have patience, humour and
the time, energy and determination needed to give a child
love and support. The most important part of adoption is
the stability and security that family life can provide.
Adopters do not have to be Leicestershire residents
to be considered. You just need to be 21 years or older,
and able to provide life experience and a permanent
stable and caring home for the child.
Most children are from backgrounds of neglect and
abuse, whose birth parents often have complex issues
that prevent them from being able to raise their children
themselves. All of these children need ‘forever families’,
that will give them the ability to grow up in a safe and
caring environment, allowing them to thrive and grow.
They are mostly between the ages of one and eight,
and have all survived traumatic experiences early in their
life. Adopters are needed for both single children and
sibling groups of two, three and sometimes more children.
Adoption offers both the adopters and the child an
amazing experience that they will journey through
together, fulfilling the needs of the whole family and
changing everyone’s life for the better.
The process takes on average six to eight months,
but support and guidance are available throughout the
adoption process.
To find out more about adoption or fostering, please
call 0116 305 3051 or visit
The most
important part of
adoption is the
stability and
security that family
life can provide.
88 » pink weddings magazine
Leicestershire County Council’s heart-warming Space for a
Child campaign is determined to recruit new adopters