this monolithic government body to regulate health and social care, so what has been the impact on the
substance misuse sector and what are the implications of the CQC’s change in direction?
To date, I think that our experience has been mixed. Some services have actually had an inspection that
gave them a positive report while others have not been so lucky, and services previously rated ‘excellent’ have
struggled to make themselves understood to CQC. Others are still awaiting an inspection and unsure what to
expect, while Walsingham House was closed as a result of its inspection. So what can we expect in the future?
The national context is interesting, as CQC has been roundly criticised by the press, provider associations
and, most significantly, the government’s own health select committee. The criticisms have led to changes
in the way CQC operates, with the most significant change being the resignation of chief executive Cynthia
Bower and her replacement by David Behan, former director of social care at the Department of Health.
I view this as a positive step, having worked for David Behan at the Commission for Social Care Inspection
(CSCI). My experience then was that he was a man of vision and clear thinking and had a passion for quality.
For the substance misuse sector it’s also reassuring to know that he has been chair of a DAT – there’s reason
to believe that he will ‘get it’ in relation to this sector. Furthermore, CQC chair Dame Jo Williams has also
recently resigned, leaving more scope for change.
Among other things, it is:
Focusing on registering GP surgeries – it’s possible that GPs will have to declare in their statement of purpose
whether or not they have staff who are substance misuse specialists.
Implementing the document Improving the way we regulate, which means annual unannounced inspections
for all providers and a focus on looking for non-compliance rather than good practice.
Responding to whistle-blowing as a priority, in the wake of Winterbourne View.
Recruiting 255 extra inspectors – while this will result in extra staff, there will still be delays in inspections given
the necessary induction period, and perhaps less likelihood that your inspector will have experience of inspecting
substance misuse services.
Launching a consultation on its strategy for 2013-16. This includes a risk-based approach to inspection, which
means visits according to assessed risk rather than on a routine basis. CQC will also be relying on information
from local authority commissioners and Public Health England as well as complaints and notifications. This
is a change from the current system, so please visit the CQC website and respond to the consultation if you
have strong views.
Commissioning research into ways to improve regulation, in conjunction with Manchester Business School.
This is a long-term project but one to watch in case new thinking emerges.
For the rest of this inspection cycle – until March 2013 – the methodology of looking at a few outcomes on a
visit still applies. You can expect inspectors to focus on involvement of people in the running of the service,
care planning, safeguarding, staff development and quality monitoring. Much of the evidence will be gained
through talking with service users and staff as well as looking at your record keeping.
If you run a residential service expect some puzzlement from inspectors if they see that your service type is
‘care home’ but you don’t deliver ‘personal care’ in terms of practical caring tasks. If this is the case you could
ask to be re-designated as a ‘residential substance misuse service’, where the focus is on psychosocial
treatment and the need to share rooms can be therapeutically justified.
Tougher enforcement – CQC has developed a ‘regulatory escalator’ which moves providers much more quickly
to statutory warning notices, and just one major concern can trigger this action. There is also the power to
publicise the action – and the local press do tend to be interested – so there could be serious consequences for
the commissioning of services, as Walsingham House found out to its cost. Advice giving by inspectors is a thing
of the past – the emphasis now is on assessing compliance.
Next year, expect a whole different raft of outcomes to be inspected. CQC says that from April 2013 it will
look at one outcome from each heading in the ‘essential standards’ so, for example, they could assess
consent under the Mental Capacity Act, nutrition, medication, staff recruitment or complaints, or any
outcomes not previously assessed.
, therefore, is don’t leave anything to chance and undertake a thorough audit of your service
according to the CQC outcomes. You should also be prepared to explain to an inspector exactly what your service
does, as they may have no prior experience of the sector (the document
Preparing for CQC inspection
on the CQC
website offers practical tips). You also need to ensure that staff are fully aware of whistle-blowing arrangements
and the role of CQC in safeguarding and complaints management. And finally, keep providing a quality service
that thoroughly meets the needs of your service users and fully involves them in the treatment they receive.
David Finney is an independent social care consultant with a specialist interest in the regulation of
substance misuse services. His next DDN/FDAP workshop,
CQC compliance… whatever next?
is in London
on 17 October. Book at
October 2012 |
| 11
Services |
CQC Regulation
A lot has changed
since the advent of
the CQC and there
are more changes
on the way.
David Finney
explains what
services can expect
in the coming
months and years