Daisywheel white label publications are high-quality quarterly printed magazines created by our experienced publishing team. They combine expertly sourced and written articles aimed at your audience, and feature your own branding, photo, and personalised editorial letter – ready to send out as your magazine!
Having your own magazine allows you to:
- position yourself as an expert in your field.
- grow your client base.
- develop relationships with current clients.
- increase your public profile.
Outsourcing the content and creation to our experienced team provides a cost effective and time efficient way of achieving this, allowing you to concentrate on maximising revenue opportunities.
Accountancy Publication
Launching in January 2018 we are providing quarterly publications for the accountancy sector.
The magazine articles are written and researched by accountant Rachel Kowalski who has worked in both international blue chip companies and with local SMEs, and all content is fact-checked and edited by our experienced editorial team. Articles are illustrated and laid out in a clear contemporary magazine style, providing an accessible informative publication for your readers.
Prices start at less than £85 a month. Click here to book a no obligation fifteen minute chat with one of the publishing team who can explain how having your own magazine can help you grow your business.