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whether you’ve
turned up in the same outfit as another
guest, realised late into the day that your
blouse is far too revealing, or regretted that
trainer/suit skirt combo you thought was
working when you were getting ready. Ouch!
Here’s some advice to make sure you avoid
turning up to a wedding dressed like you’re
doing the bread and milk run in your local.
AVOID AVOID AVOID! Think back to your childhood,
watching awful maths and science class videos – why is
the professor always wearing houndstooth so that it
blurs and goes fuzzy on the screen? Migraine inducing
to say the least!
Same rules apply. If you are going for a contemporary
large stripe, feel free as this can be very flattering for the
figure – but the teeny thin lines that move and make
your eyes cross over? The camera doesn’t like it and
neither will the other guests’ eyes. The last thing you
want is to give everyone indigestion during the beautiful
wedding breakfast.
As flattering as they are and as tempting as it may seem,
please leave the strapless, legless body-belt at home.
This is a family orientated event – not a girly weekend in
Magaluf. If you are set on a bodycon dress, pick one with
some length to the skirt (at least knee length). They can
be very elegant in a nice floral print or soft colour,
definitely not fuchsia or neon orange.
Unfortunately, in this case Michael Jackson was wrong –
it does matter if it’s black or white because it’s not your
wedding and neither is it a funeral. Unless, of course, the
speeches are ghastly, in which case, mourn away.
Floral dresses and shirts have always been a go-to staple
garment for a wedding, and so they should be – floral
print is a beautiful and elegant choice for any wedding
day. However, don’t get too carried away so it looks like
you’re attending a friend’s BBQ party. This is still a
wedding, a formal event in which you should dress your
most spectacular.
That said about dressing your most spectacular, if the
brides or grooms have bought their outfits fromM&S, it
would be in bad taste to turn up head-to-toe in Gucci or
Chanel. Try and gauge the situation and personal style of
the entire wedding, and as hard as it may seem to you
fashionistas out there, try to tone down your glam-
factor… just for one day.
68 » pink weddings magazine
Annie at large
Our fashion guru Annie-Gerrard Hobson
gives her top tips on fashion no-nos
‘...why is the professor
always wearing
houndstooth so that it
blurs and goes fuzzy on
the screen? Migraine
inducing to say the least!