Page 7 - PW10 Spring 2014_WEB_proof

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Here inWestminster
we are busy gearing up for our first ever same-sex
marriages. The announcement came sooner than we
expected; initially it was not due until the summer. We
had quite a flurry of interest from couples eager to book,
with several wanting to do it on the first day it would be
possible, Saturday 29 March 2014. Many couples had
already booked a civil partnership before the law change
became official, and have now been offered a same-sex
marriage. One man said when booking that it was
something he never thought he would see in his lifetime.
Levels of interest have not yet reached the same
heights as in 2005, when civil partnerships came into
law, as many couples have now already had a civil
partnership. The Same-Sex Marriage Act also enables
currently married people who are wanting to change
their legal gender to remain in their marriage.
Couples who have already had a civil partnership
will be able to convert it to a marriage, but not until
later in the year. This has created some controversy for
those who are now forced to wait. It is a pity that they
couldn’t be introduced simultaneously, but to do so
would have delayed the start date for same-sex
marriages considerably, so we do anticipate another
rush once conversions are available. There will be no
requirement to have a ceremony – it can just be an
administrative process – but it is a perfectly good
excuse for another celebration for those who want it!
If you have already had a civil partnership, I would
suggest not trying to recapture the magic of the original
ceremony, but doing it in a different way. Or take it as an
opportunity to do it better; don’t invite that cousin who
embarrassed themselves by getting blind drunk! How
many couples get the chance to get married again to
the same person, without divorcing first?
in the