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wedded bliss
pink weddings magazine » 115
e met on an internet dating site and chatted
for a few months, but at first decided not to
meet and stopped speaking for a short time. A
little while later, delme then decided to get
back in touch and it wasn’t long before we arranged to meet
for a coffee at his house. We spent four hours getting to know
each other – but nerves didn’t allow me to have so much as a
coffee, and I had to stick to plain water! That’s when the first
kiss happened. A er I le , I texted delme to tell him that it
was very nice to meet him, and he asked the question, ‘Where
do we go from here?’ So I asked if he wanted to be my
boyfriend, and we’ve never been apart since.
I’m Portuguese and knowing the area roughly meant
that, when we decided to do it, the search for where to hold
our wedding was simple and fast. A er scouring the internet
for gay weddings in the Algarve, we found the fantastic
Sonho a dois wedding organisers, and everything just fell
into place from there.
We wanted something private and quiet, a special
moment for just the two of us. A er that, we decided that
we could then renew the vows a year later, and invite family
and friends.
We ordered our shoes from a wedding company on
eBay, which was the easiest part of the outfits! The rings
were a last minute choice in a local jeweller, and the suit was
Alex And delme