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pink weddings magazine 51
So, you've sorted the cake, the catering, the reception
entertainment – now comes the tricky part: the seating
plan. This can be a delicate minefield to navigate
through; the last thing you want at your chic and
sophisticated reception is your aunt Mary flooring your
sister Susan because they’re wearing the same dress
and happen to have been placed next to each other.
Avoid handbags at dawn by being ruthless with your
guest list – axing anyone who doesn’t realise that this is
your day, not theirs – and making sure your guests are
sat on a table with people they either don't know or get
along with easily.
It's tempting to spend a fortune on a big wedding
blowout – but remember, the wedding is just a
celebration of your life together, so don't bankrupt
yourselves in the process! Figure out a budget and stick to
it, however tempting that swan ice sculpture or horse-
drawn carriage might seem in the heat of the moment.
Imagine the scene: everyone is dressed in their Sunday
best, the wedding party are all lined up for photos, and
suddenly – the heavens open. The weather; it's not
something you can control, but there is plenty you can
do to prepare for the worst. Don’t risk an outdoor do in
any month apart from during the height of summer –
and even then, always have a contingency plan. Make
sure you have scoped out your venue for places that you
can take your wedding photos inside, and always have a
few umbrellas close to hand for an emergency.
Your immune systemwill take a battering during the lead
up to your day, as you desperately try to keep on top of
flowers, food, cakes, guests and a million other worries –
so remember to keep up a daily facial cleansing regime. It
might be hard, but try not to let yourself get too stressed
out, and get as much sleep as possible the week before
your wedding. The last thing you need is to wake up the
morning of the day with a giant spot on your nose that no
amount of concealer can mask.
Everyone wants to have that perfect wedding – but
don't let yourself succumb to the 'zilla' phenomenon.
Probably the least flattering look you could have is the
bile-spewing bride or grumbling groom, so remember
to have a sense of humour about the whole day – you
can’t control everything, and some things are bound to
go wrong. Besides, getting into a bad mood will only
give you frown lines.
Ultimately, the most important thing to remember is
that the day is about making a commitment to each
other, so whatever happens – be it blizzard, tantrum or
beauty catastrophe – just relax and enjoy yourselves, and
you’ll come away with the best memories of your life.
Planning your big day can be a stressful
experience, and even the most organised bride
or groom-to-be can't always be prepared for
everything. But never fear! Here's Pink
Weddings Magazine's guide to staying clear of
common wedding day disasters.
‘Don't let yourself succumb to
the 'zilla' phenomenon. Probably
the least flattering look you
could have is the bile-spewing
bride or grumbling groom, so
remember to have a sense of
humour about the whole day –
you can’t control everything...’