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There’ll be nothing worse
than ruining your party pics
with runny noses and cold sores so make sure that all
involved get cracking with these top tips for Best-
Wedding-ever happiness. We tend to focus on outer
beauty and spend silly amounts on topical products to
make us look better, but beauty really starts on the inside.
the great thing about these tips is that they’ll do more
than just make you look better; they’ll get you feeling
strong and healthy too. the more you can do to get your
body into excellent working condition – the better you’ll
look. so kick start your winter wellbeing with a
multivitamin. they’ll do wonders for your body as they’re
essential to get your cells working at their best. you can
get them almost anywhere and there’s an array to choose
from so don’t get too confused. take one every day for a
month or two prior to the big day so that the vitamins
have time to take effect. Make sure you get some that
include Vitamin C as it will help your immune system to
fight off colds and flu. For skin you need some vitamin a
and e, and for hair and nails make sure you get your B
vitamins. these vitamins will make you look glam and
glossy in no time and get you feeling perky to boot.
If you don’t think that vits are worth the cash
then try
this lovely smoothie recipe. add a banana and some
mango chunks to some water. Mix in some shredded kale
and a carrot and whizz it up in the blender. it might sound
a bit strange but it's full of iron, B vitamins and Vitamin a;
just the ticket for a natural happy glow!
these little tips should help you along the way with
your wedding preparations. above all, remember that
you're planning a wedding to celebrate a wonderful
occasion... Make the most of it
Contact Llinos at hapusholis
Are you dreaming up a winter
wedding? Make sure you don’t
feel as dull as the British weather
with some lovely natural remedies,
says our complementary therapist
Llinos Merriman
40 » pink weddings magazine
Beauty tips
‘Add a banana and some
mango chunks to some
water. Mix in some shredded
kale and a carrot and whizz
it up in the blender. It might
sound a bit strange but it's
full of iron, B vitamins and
Vitamin A; just the ticket for
a natural happy glow!’