Page 80 - PW11 Summer 2014

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21 March – 20 April
You’re searching for some-
thing you can’t ever seem to find. The
answer is to stop looking so hard, and
eventually it will find you. Instead, focus
your efforts on sitting back and
enjoying yourself – you’d be surprised
what you’ve been missing. A sports
teamwill bring you good fortune.
21 April – 20 May
Summer’s here, Taurus, and it’s your
time to shine. You’ve been cooped up
inside for too long – both physically
and mentally – so make a point of
getting out and stretching your legs
and your creativity, as it will do you a
power of good. Fate will lead you to a
muddy field.
21 May – 20 June
You haven’t got any room to breathe
at the moment, Gemini, and you need
to get some space. Make sure you have
a long-needed clear-out, and you’ll
find that everything seems to make
much more sense once you’ve got a
little bit of space to move. You’ll find
the answers you’re looking for on a
Spanish excursion.
21 June – 22 July
You’ve got a countdown going in the
back of your head, and while it’s great
to be able to look forward to things in
the future, don’t miss out on the
present. Things are happening around
you right now that you really should
get stuck into. Look out for a
destination with a blue lagoon.
23 July – 22 August
You’re caught at a crossroads in your
career, and from your perspective, both
paths seem like an equally good
choice. It’s a nice problem to have – but
pick wisely, because there are always
unforeseen complications waiting just
around the corner. A European city
you’ve never visited holds the key to
your destiny.
23 August – 22 September
Don’t be afraid to learn something new,
Virgo. It might be difficult for you not to
know everything right from the get-go,
but there’s no shame in being a novice –
don’t let your fears hold you back. Keep
your eyes peeled for a missed oppor-
tunity to rear its head again – you won’t
be disappointed.
23 September – 22 October
Things are on the up and up for you,
Libra. Life has been hard going recently,
but you’re tough enough to take what-
ever fate throws at you – it bounces
right off your shell. Just remember
never to let this make you too guarded,
because it’s important to see the lighter
side of life. Sunflowers are a good omen
this summer.
23 October – 22 November
Close your eyes and take the leap – it’ll
be scary at first, but you’ll soon realise
you’ve done the right thing. Just be hon-
est with yourself and remember to keep
your Scorpion temper in check when
things get difficult – and it’ll all turn out
for the best. The colour red is fortuitous.
23 November – 21 December
Oh, Sagittarius – give yourself a break.
Summer is the time to enjoy yourself, so
make the most of it. Stop trying so hard
to please everyone around you, but
don’t take that as an excuse to shut
them out – you’ll find it much easier to
relax if you just be yourself. Take a
chance on a new business venture.
22 December – 19 January
You’ve got so many plates spinning at
the moment that you’re worried you’re
going to drop them. Chill out and try to
relax – life is for the living, so make
sure you do. There’s a hobby you’ve
been meaning to take up for a long
while, and now is as good a time as
any. An upcoming event will give you a
pleasant surprise.
20 January – 18 February
You’ve had a brush with the limelight,
and you like how it felt. Don’t worry –
you’ve got big things heading your way,
all you need to do is keep on being
fabulous. Remember not to get too big
for you boots, though – it’s the people
closest to you who will last the test of
time. A village fete will spell success.
19 February – 20 March
For reasons you can’t seem to put your
finger on, you’re really struggling to stay
positive at the moment. Everyone gets
blue every now and then – but you’re
going to have to do something about
your slump soon, before it really takes
its toll on you. You’ll find happiness in
an ornamental garden.